The Story of Agrinet
Everything began in 2017 when the Net Zist group formed the initial idea to launch a website for sharing up-to-date knowledge in agriculture and biotechnology. The purpose of creating Agrinet was to provide a platform for free and open access to information in agricultural sciences and biotechnology for everyone. Despite all the difficulties and challenges faced since the early years, Agrinet has remained committed to its mission of providing free access to information. We proudly announce that Agrinet has never charged for access to its agricultural and biotechnology articles and never will.
How Are Articles Prepared and Compiled?
All the articles available on Agrinet’s website are entirely original and authored by Agrinet’s writers. Some articles are direct translations from primary sources, while the majority are the result of studying and reviewing multiple sources. All articles are updated whenever there are changes in the original sources or new advancements.
Agrinet’s Audience
We strive to present the most practical articles worldwide in a simple yet scientific language. Agrinet’s audience includes university professors, industry professionals, students, and even school students. Some articles, like those on CRISPR/CAS9, are highly specialized due to their nature, while others, such as those on pest and disease control or the best fertilizers, are written in a way that is useful for the general public.